Tuesday, November 11, 2014


The holidays are upon us and I have been so busy! The week before Halloween was spent in a scramble to make costumes. Last week was a blur of craziness as I ran around after three kids every evening while my husband worked late. Let it be said that I never take for granted all that he contributes to our household...even though it may sound like I do, occasionally, maybe, haha. They say it takes a village, but no one really has that anymore. So, sometimes life is about just getting by. That's been the past few weeks for me.

In the midst of all the madness, I have realized that I need to eliminate wheat/gluten from my diet in addition to the dairy restriction. The littlest Fox was not faring well on second hand wheat. So, that has thrown a wrench in all my baking. I love baking bread. To bake a crusty loaf of no-knead bread (here's my favorite) is to be a magician for a day. Further, I love the convenience of a bag of homemade muffins waiting in the freezer for a quick breakfast. So now what? Well, I've been experimenting and will have some recipes to post. I had some epic fails to begin with. Realized that xanthan gum is grown on corn, so can't be used in anything for my middle child who is allergic to corn. Plus, it's kind of gross (it's a bacteria, ew!). Nearly every GF recipe calls for xanthan gum, so I've been trying to figure out substitutes. But today, oh bless it, today I made a delicious, never know it's gluten free, muffin. Really, it was perfect. 

I will have that recipe (and more) coming soon!

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