Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Stuffed Roasted Red Peppers

There are a few different ways to make stuffed red peppers, you can pre-boil them, then stuff and bake, or you can pre-roast them, then stuff them. I think the roasting adds a really wonderful flavor, but it really depends on the stuffing. If you are going for a fresh mexican flavor, with black beans and cheese, then boiling might be better. For these, I made a savory Italian-inspired quinoa stuffing which complimented the roasted peppers beautifully.

Roasted Red Peppers with Italian Quinoa Stuffing

Serves 4

4 large or 8 small red peppers
Olive oil 

Slice peppers in half lengthwise and remove ribs and seeds. Place on a baking sheet and brush with oil. I used the convection roast feature on my oven, but you can just bake at 400F. (If using convection, 375F will do.) Roast until soft and just starting to brown at the edges. 

For the stuffing:

2 cups cooked quinoa (can be made day ahead)
1 lb bag frozen chopped spinach (or you could use other greens such as chard or kale)
1 medium onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup pine nuts, toasted
1/2 cup chopped sun dried tomatoes packed in oil (or if using the dry kind, soak in hot water for 5 min)
Olive oil
Salt and Pepper

Saute onion in olive oil until soft and just golden, add garlic, stirring until aromatic. Add spinach and a splash of water, cover and cook until thawed. Meanwhile, toss your pine nuts in olive oil and place in the oven for a few minutes, watching closely, stirring once or twice. Nuts are so easy to burn. I burn them at least half the time. (Ideally, I like to put them in the oven when I turn it off, and let them sit for 5 minutes or so. I'm less likely to burn them that way.) When your spinach is ready, stir in your sun dried tomatoes and quinoa. Add pine nuts and stir well to combine. 

Your peppers should be ready now. Spoon stuffing into peppers and top with Basic Marinara. I must admit that the stuffing was so good I made another batch to eat by itself for lunch the next day. Yum!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Curried Sweet Potatoes and Spinach

We've been on a sweet potato bender! Costco has been stocking 10 lb bags of organic sweet potatoes for cheap, so I've been coming up with all sorts of things to do with them. This recipe turned out really tasty! One of my favorite dishes at our local Indian restaurant is Sweet Potato Masala. But now that I've cut out dairy, it's not an option for me. I tried making a vegan version with coconut milk. It was okay. This one is better. 

Curried Sweet Potatoes and Spinach

3 large sweet potatoes
1 lb bag frozen spinach
1 medium onion, diced
2-3 cloves of garlic (1-2 tbsp chopped)
1-2 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp curry powder
2 Tbsp tomato paste

First chop up your potatoes into 1/2 or 1" pieces. Put them in a pot of water and boil until just tender. Meanwhile, saute your onion in olive or sunflower oil over medium low heat. When onion is ready, toss in the garlic, stirring until aromatic. Add your curry powder, coating the onion and garlic, and fry for about 30 seconds. Then, add your tomato paste and stir well to combine. Now add a little water (a couple tablespoons) and your spinach. Break up your spinach and cook, covered, until thawed. When your potatoes are done, add those to the pan and stir well to combine everything. Salt to taste. Cover and cook for another 10 or 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. 

I served this dish with brown rice and Mung Bean Dal.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Vegan Chocolate Truffles

I remember the first time I had a homemade truffle. I was so impressed with my friend for making them! But actually, they are super easy. Traditionally, they are made with cream and/or butter. These are vegan and with good quality chocolate, you don't miss the dairy at all. You can add whatever flavor you like. This year I made espresso and champagne. Champagne truffles are my favorite. Served with champagne, of course. But you could stir in raspberry preserves, other liquors, really whatever you want.

Vegan Chocolate Truffles

~makes about one dozen truffles

1 3.5 or 4 oz dark chocolate bar (72% or higher--the ones I like are 80-85% and have no additives, just chocolate and sugar) broken into pieces
1/3 c water
1 Tbsp sugar

In a large mixing bowl combine water and some ice cubes. Set a medium size bowl inside to chill. Make sure the water is only half way up the medium bowl. You don't want it to splash up into your chocolate later!

In a double boiler (or a small pan sitting over a larger pan of water) combine ingredients. Stir until melted and smooth. Pull off the heat. Pour out into the chilled medium bowl. With a whisk attachment on a hand mixer, whip the chocolate for about a minute. Or if using a hand whisk, for two minutes. It should start to look a little lighter. Chill in refrigerator for several hours until firm. 

Scoop out teaspoon sized chunks and roll between your palms to form balls. You can roll them in cocoa powder, powdered sugar, or sugar crystals. Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve. They are fine to sit out for awhile, but they will "sweat" and dissolve the sugar coating after a bit. 

To add flavor:

For Espresso: substitute a shot of freshly brewed espresso for half the water, following directions as above. I rolled these in cocoa.

For Champagne: add 1 tsp brandy and 1 Tbsp water to chocolate and sugar while melting. Once melted stir in 1/4 cup champagne. Then proceed with whipping and chilling as above. For these, I rolled in sugar crystals. So pretty!

Basic Marinara

An authentic Italian marinara sauce is much easier than you might think. To the eye, the sauce looks like nothing but tomatoes. But the flavor has a hint of garlic. This puzzled me for awhile when we lived in Italy. Finally, the chef at a local restaurant showed me how it was done.

You smash a couple cloves of garlic. Toss them in a pot with olive oil, heating on medium low until the garlic is golden. Remove the garlic. Let the oil cool a bit so it doesn't splatter. Add tomatoes of your choice. (I like tomato puree, but you can use whole cherry tomatoes, or chopped tomatoes.) Add a generous amount of salt. If your sauce tastes at all bitter, add more salt. Heat until warm throughout. Then, if you'd like you can add fresh or dried basil and oregano. Super easy! I like to add dried basil and oregano if I'm using it as pizza sauce. Otherwise, I leave it plain. There aren't really measurements, but if you must have them: 3 cups tomato puree, 2 cloves garlic, 2 Tbsp olive oil, 1/2 tsp each dried basil and oregano (or 3 leaves fresh basil, chopped)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Delicious VEGAN and GLUTEN FREE Muffins. Oh Yeah!

First I made heavy, dense, gummy, gross muffins. Then I made gooey muffins. Then I made crumbly muffins, which were acceptable, but not excellent. These, however, are just right. Moist, yet light. Good texture without crumbling. And oh so tasty! I may have had two and a half today.

Gluten Free Vegan Chocolate Chip Banana Walnut Muffins

Author: Brandi Fox
Makes: 12

Dry Ingredients:
1/2 cup brown rice flour
1/2 cup white rice flour
1/2 cup almond flour
1/2 cup potato starch
2/3 cup sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup chocolate chips (I used Enjoy Life allergy free dark chocolate chips)
1 cup walnuts, chopped

Wet Ingredients:
1 banana
3 Tbsp flaxmeal + 1/2 cup boiling water
1 Tbsp molasses
4 Tbsp sunflower (or other mild flavored) oil
1 Tbsp vanilla (this is homemade, so not as strong, reduce to 1 tsp for store-bought)
1/4 cup non-dairy milk (I used coconut "beverage" that comes in a box, not the canned stuff)
1 tsp apple cider vinegar

Preheat oven to 375 degrees (or if you have convection, 350 degrees). Line a 12 cup muffin tin with parchment paper or cupcake liners. 

First combine your flax and boiling water in a small bowl, and set aside. It will gel up into a thick slurry as it sits. In another small dish, combine the non-dairy milk and vinegar, and set aside. 

Combine dry ingredients other than chocolate and walnuts in a large bowl and whisk until evenly combined. Then stir in chocolate and walnuts. 

In a medium bowl, mash up your banana. Add your flax slurry, molasses, oil, vanilla, and milk/vinegar. Whisk well to combine. Pour wet mixture into dry mixture. 

Fold and gently stir to combine, scraping sides. I like to use a flat silicone spatula for this. From what I've read, gluten free baking is actually more forgiving when it comes to handling. With wheat, you always want to be very gentle when stirring batter for muffins and cakes, mixing only until just combined. This is to avoid activating the gluten. No gluten, no worries. But there's no reason to over mix. So just stir until it's all wet. 

Spoon into lined muffin tin. I ran out of cupcake liners. Parchment paper cut into squares works in a pinch. At altitude EVERYTHING STICKS. It's ridiculous. 

Bake until golden brown on top (these browned beautifully, much better than my wheat ones ever did!) and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean (assuming you don't hit a chocolate chip). Mine were done in exactly 20 minutes. 

Lookin' good!

Remove to a baking rack to cool so that your bottoms don't get soggy. No one wants a soggy bottom.

I honestly think these are better than my wheat recipe. They have a nice brown crust and a moist inside. You could easily switch out blueberries or other fruit for the chocolate chips. They have a very subtle banana flavor. You could add another banana if you wanted (I'd reduce the oil to 2 Tbsp, though). This is a very versatile recipe. 

Now, for food geeks like me, I'll share a little bit of what is working and why:

First, I'm at altitude. It's the Mile High City, after all. You may need to make adjustments if you are down at sea level. I have found that vegan baking at altitude turns out better (lighter) if you make "buttermilk" by adding a little vinegar or lemon juice to your non dairy milk. Things rise more easily up here, too. The danger is over-rising and then falling. So, generally you reduce the baking powder a bit. Therefore, if you are at sea level, you may want to go up to 2 1/2 tsp of baking powder. Altitude also affects temperature. Everything I've ever read says to increase temperature and reduce baking time. However, that has resulted in burnt food every time I've tried it. For me and my oven, reducing the temp works best. I'd say start at 375 for these, as that is pretty standard. 

One of the most interesting things I discovered with Gluten Free is that it is good friends with Vegan. At first I was afraid to leave out the eggs. I tried making the Joy of Cooking muffin recipe just substituting rice flour for the wheat and using the vegan "buttermilk" while keeping the egg. They were okay. But not exceptional. A little on the crumbly side, particularly after freezing. After reading about substituting flax for xanthan gum, I felt braver about ditching the eggs. I've always had success using 1 tbsp of flaxmeal plus 3 tbsp of water as an egg substitute for vegan baking. When I read that flax plus boiling water creates that gum-like binding property I wanted to give it a shot. So, for these I used 1 tbsp flaxmeal with 1/4 cup boiling water. It worked great! Yay!

For the flour/starch combo: You want a total of 2 cups. I've read that about 30-40% should be starch, and the rest a combination of flours. Rice flour is light and grainy. Almond flour is dense and moist. Together they are delightful! Almond flour (or meal) is high in fat, so the more of that you use, the less oil you will want. Keep that in mind if you want to tweak the ratios. For the starch, I used potato. It is flavorless. I like it. There are others you could try, too, though. 

This new baking adventure has been scary and frustrating. I really prefer cooking to baking because I like being able to taste and adjust as I go. With baking, I spend a half hour or more working on something, plus the expense of the ingredients, and have no idea how it is going to turn out. I am so very happy these turned out so well. And I'm really glad I took notes while baking them! Haha!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


The holidays are upon us and I have been so busy! The week before Halloween was spent in a scramble to make costumes. Last week was a blur of craziness as I ran around after three kids every evening while my husband worked late. Let it be said that I never take for granted all that he contributes to our household...even though it may sound like I do, occasionally, maybe, haha. They say it takes a village, but no one really has that anymore. So, sometimes life is about just getting by. That's been the past few weeks for me.

In the midst of all the madness, I have realized that I need to eliminate wheat/gluten from my diet in addition to the dairy restriction. The littlest Fox was not faring well on second hand wheat. So, that has thrown a wrench in all my baking. I love baking bread. To bake a crusty loaf of no-knead bread (here's my favorite) is to be a magician for a day. Further, I love the convenience of a bag of homemade muffins waiting in the freezer for a quick breakfast. So now what? Well, I've been experimenting and will have some recipes to post. I had some epic fails to begin with. Realized that xanthan gum is grown on corn, so can't be used in anything for my middle child who is allergic to corn. Plus, it's kind of gross (it's a bacteria, ew!). Nearly every GF recipe calls for xanthan gum, so I've been trying to figure out substitutes. But today, oh bless it, today I made a delicious, never know it's gluten free, muffin. Really, it was perfect. 

I will have that recipe (and more) coming soon!

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Monday, October 20, 2014

A Quick Quinoa Salad

Say that five times fast! I can barely say it once. But cooking it up is far less difficult. This is a quick lunch I made this week. It keeps well in the fridge for a few days and packs well for lunches. You can eat it as one-bowl meals like this or use it to stuff winter squash. One night for dinner last week, I made stuffed acorn squash with the quinoa-pistachio-cranberry combo. It was really good!

Quinoa Salad

1 cup dry quinoa
olive oil
1 onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 zucchini
1 red pepper
1 yellow squash
(any other veggies you like)
1 can pinto beans
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp cumin
dash of cayenne or crushed red pepper
salt and fresh cracked black pepper

Cook your quinoa as per the package directions (or with slightly less water for a firmer bite). Chop your veggies into bite sized pieces. Then, in about a tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat, saute your onion until golden. Add garlic, stirring until aromatic (about 30 seconds). Stir in your spices and cook for another 30 seconds. Add your veggies and a splash of water or broth. Cover and cook until tender. In a large bowl, combine cooked quinoa, veggies, and beans. Serve with fresh cracked salt and pepper.

This is easily modified for a variety of flavors. Try these combinations:

Lemon juice, oregano, broccoli, and white beans
Orange zest, a dash of cayenne, pomegranate nibs, and chickpeas (I think that will be lunch tomorrow! yum!)
Curry powder, lentils (or mung), and butternut squash
Pistachios, cranberries, and thyme

Quinoa is a great source of protein and an incredibly versatile grain. It can take on a wide variety of flavors and even be used in gluten free baking. If you've never had it, give it a shot.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Is it a sweet salad????

That's the first thing my six year old asks whenever I say we are having salad. He will eat anything, but has a decided preference for SWEET things. He thinks dried fruit is candy, so when I make this salad it's like he's getting candy for dinner, ha! Parenting win!

Sweet Balsamic Salad with Cranberries and Walnuts

1 head each, Romaine and Red leaf lettuce, chopped
1 red onion, thinly sliced
1/4 cup dried cranberries, chopped
1/4 cup walnuts, toasted
2 small or 1 large sweet apple, diced

For the dressing:
1 tsp dijon mustard
1 clove garlic, minced
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar*
1 tbsp honey (or sugar, for vegan)
1/2 cup olive oil

*for balsamic vinegar, the ingredients should just be grapes and/or vinegar, no coloring or flavoring nonsense. Costco actually sells a really nice one under their Kirkland label.

Salad dressings are super easy to make at home. People get addicted to all the crazy crap they put in processed foods, namely all the sugar and salt. But try making your own and give your taste buds some time to chill out. It's also much easier on the wallet. A basic vinaigrette is dijon + garlic/shallot + vinegar/juice + oil. For a "sweet" salad, add a little sugar or honey. Combine all the dressing ingredients in a small food processor bowl and process to combine or simply put in a jar and shake vigorously.

Toss your lettuce with your dressing, then top with apples, cranberries, onions, and walnuts.

Friday, October 17, 2014


I love, love, love lasagna. But who doesn't? My absolute favorite was from a restaurant in St. Louis, Schlafly Bottleworks. It was this perfect cheesy veggie lasagna and they took it off the menu! Gah! (sad face) But guess what? I asked nicely for the recipe and they gave it to me! Bless 'em! Unfortunately for you, this is not it. Ha! I can't eat dairy right now, so I'm not posting any cheesy goodness (maybe some other time...next year?) This is, however, inspired by that one, using a similar broccoli-ricotta filling that has been cleverly vegan-ized. It's a delicious dairy-free and gluten-free lasagna sure to please vegans, vegetarians, and ominvores alike.

Vegan Lasagna

1 box of lasagna noodles (I used Tinkyada Joy Pasta Organic Brown Rice noodles)
1 15oz can, or two cups diced tomatoes
2 24oz jars tomato puree (not sauce, we don't want any added salt or seasonings)
olive oil
2 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp dried basil
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1 large russet potato, sliced into 1/4" thick rounds
1 zucchini
1 yellow squash
4 cups baby spinach

for vegan "ricotta" filling:
1 cup raw cashew pieces, soaked overnight
2 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp dried basil
1/2 tsp dried oregano
juice of one lemon
salt and pepper
1/4 c ground golden flaxseed
1/2 lb frozen broccoli florets, thawed and finely chopped

So, first let's talk about this vegan ricotta. Cashews are an amazing thing. You will find them in many different vegan recipes as a dairy replacement. You can make cashew milk, "cream" sauces, and add texture like in this ricotta substitute. You cannot substitute other nuts for this. Just trust me, don't do it.

Put your soaked cashews, garlic, and herbs in the bowl of a food processor and process until it looks grainy. It will sort of look like ricotta already, just drier. Add your lemon juice and a couple tablespoons of water. Pulse a few times to combine. You don't want it to get totally smooth like you would to make cashew butter. Now dump that out into a big bowl. Process your broccoli, if you haven't already chopped it. Combine the two and add some water, or even a little (1/2 cup) non-dairy milk, and the flaxseed. Stir well to combine. Add salt and pepper to taste. Now it should really look like a ricotta filling!

Would you know by looking that it wasn't ricotta??? I wouldn't.

Set that aside, and cook your noodles according to the package. When they are not quite al dente, so still a little more firm than you'd want to eat, drain, rinse, and put in an ice water bath. Do the same for your potato slices. Toss your zucchini and squash slices with a little olive oil and roast for about 20 min in a 400 degree oven. Roasting the veggies really adds a great flavor. (You can use any veggies you like in this, too, even leftover roasted veggies from another meal.) I left my spinach raw to layer, but you could saute it with some garlic first and that would be delicious! 

Now, while those things are cooking, go make your sauce. For the tomato sauce, you could go the easy way out and use a canned or jarred pre-seasoned variety. I won't hold it against you. But making your own is super simple and wonderfully flavorful with none of the sugar that is often hiding in pre-packaged sauces. I learned how to make simple marinara while I was in Italy. I was puzzled for the longest time because I'd order pizza and the sauce would be perfectly smooth with no evidence of garlic...yet I could taste the garlic. Well, finally, I took a cooking class and learned the trick. They infuse the oil with the garlic and then toss out the cloves. Sneaky. For the tomatoes, you can use whole canned/jarred and puree them yourself, or buy "passata", which is what they use in Italy. These are the tomatoes I like: 

The jar on the right is the passata. Good stuff. 

Heat your olive oil (a couple tablespoons) in a small skillet over low-med heat. Peel and cut in half lengthwise two cloves of garlic. Or you can just smash them. You want to expose the "heart" of the garlic to release the flavor. Toss the pieces into the hot oil and stir occasionally until they turn golden. Then remove the pan from the heat and remove the garlic from the oil. Feed it to your husband, if you'd like. Or compost it. Whatever. Allow the oil to cool off a little bit so that it doesn't go crazy and splatter when you add the tomato puree. Now add your tomato puree, your diced tomatoes, and the basil and oregano and about 2 tsp of salt (start with one, taste, and add if needed...the "saltiness" depends on the variety of salt). Salt is the magic ingredient here, it is what takes the acidity and bitterness away from tomatoes. It's what makes them good! So don't skimp.

Time to assemble: 
"Ricotta" filling
"Ricotta" filling
"Ricotta" filling
Zucchini & Squash

If you like nutritional yeast, sprinkle that over the top. Personally, I hate the stuff. 

Once it is all assembled, cover with foil, and you can cook it right away, put it in the refrigerator until later, or do what I did and leave it sitting out on the counter while you go pick up the kids from school. Yay for vegan! No food-borne illness!

When you are ready, pop it in a 350 degree oven for about 45 minutes. You can remove the foil for the last 10 minutes or so. The sauce should look bubbly. Yummy!!!

And here's what was left of ours:

Um, yeah. I seem to have a problem remembering to photograph the food before we eat it. Glad there was some left! As with most lasagna, it was even better as leftovers.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

This weeks haul:

Red potatoes
Red Peppers
A big purple sweet potato
onions and garlic (weekly staples!)
Romaine Hearts
Swiss Chard
Acorn Squash

Monday, October 6, 2014

No-Cream of Broccoli Soup

I was going to call this "Vegan 'Cream' of Broccoli Soup" but I used homemade chicken stock, instead of vegetable stock. So, this is not vegan, but easily could be by substituting vegetable stock. 

We eat very little meat, maybe a pound a week in the form of organic chicken breasts, and about once a month I cook up a whole organic chicken. I save all the bones to make stock. It's so much richer and more flavorful than the store bought kind. I used to buy vegetable stock, but it is difficult to find yeast-free (yet another food intolerance in our household). Making vegetable stock is so much more difficult than chicken stock, and you end up taking fresh, otherwise edible vegetables, boiling them and then throwing them away, which to me seems wasteful. This as opposed to using the leftover bones that you were going to throw out anyway. 

I was a strict vegetarian for a few years, but I relaxed a bit for a variety of reasons. It is important to buy the healthiest meat possible, so get organic, lightly processed, local if possible, etc. That kind of meat is generally more expensive (but not always!). Either way, beans are cheaper, so we eat very little meat. Now that I'm done with my "flexitarian" disclaimer, we can proceed with the recipe!

This is similar to a cheesy, creamy broccoli soup, without said cream and cheese. The trick is in the potato and carrot base. The carrots give you a nice color and sweetness, and the potatoes give it creaminess. Don't be shy with your salt. Salt brings out the flavor in foods. I read an article just the other day by someone who'd recently been to culinary school. She said one of the important things she learned was to use more salt, that most people under-salt while cooking. I'm pretty sure I've never had that problem, ha!

No-Cream of Broccoli Soup

2 Tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 c flour
3 potatoes, diced into 1/2" pieces
3 carrots, sliced
2 lb frozen broccoli florets (or 2 fresh heads)
6 cups chicken or vegetable stock
2 cups water
salt and pepper

First, in a large pot, fry up your onions until golden. Do it right. Then add your garlic. Now toss in the potatoes and carrots and mix 'em up with your onion and garlic. Add the flour and stir to coat everything really well. Now, slowly add your stock, stirring as you go. The flour will gradually pull away from the veggies and leave you with a smooth soup base--no lumps! (If you want gluten free, skip this step with the flour. Mix starch of your choice and add to the stock. Or just try it without the thickener, as the potatoes thicken it up quite a bit.) Cover and bring to a high simmer, allowing the potatoes and carrots to cook for about 10 minutes. 

Meanwhile, separate out about 1/2 lb of your broccoli, and chop into bite size pieces. Set aside. When your carrots and potatoes have cooked for about 10 minutes, add your broccoli. Cover and cook until heated through and all veggies are tender. 

Transfer to a food processor or blender. (I used my Vitamix.) Or, if you don't mind it a little less smooth, an immersion blender works, too.  You will probably need to do this in batches, so a big mixing bowl comes in handy for holding the puree while you are working on the rest. After it is all smooth, return to pot and add the broccoli you had previously chopped up. Add some salt if needed. You probably need it, unless your stock was very salty. Heat through. 

Serve with fresh cracked pepper. Make it a meal with No-Yeast Wheat Bread. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Eat your veggies!

A week's worth of produce for us:

Red Peppers
Red Leaf Lettuce
Red Chard
Spaghetti Squash

Not shown:
Romaine Hearts
(and more potatoes and onions)

Friday, October 3, 2014

No Yeast Wheat Bread

One of my kids has a sensitivity to yeast. Actually, I do, too. I can handle some, but if I eat much it leaves me feeling gross. Occasionally I succumb to the craving for a beautiful loaf of rustic yeast bread or a Vera Napoletana pizza from Marco's in Denver. I feel better without it though. Truthfully, I feel best without any wheat either, but almond flour and other sneaky gluten free baking ingredients elicit cries of protest from certain members of the household. 

This bread, however, is always a big hit. It has a light biscuit-like texture. You can use more wheat/less white flour, but it will be more dense. Still tasty, though. It is prepped in the food processor, cooked in a pan (I like an iron skillet for this), and can be on the table in an hour. One day I'm going to try to  make some rolls out of this dough, as I think it would work for that, too. I found the recipe here and have tweaked it just a bit for the altitude. If you are not at altitude, increase your baking powder by 1 tsp and your oven temp by 25 degrees.

No Yeast Wheat Bread

2 cups white flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/3 cup, plus 3 tbsp olive oil, divided
1 cup water
dried herbs
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 

Combine flour, baking powder, and salt in bowl of food processor outfitted with dough blade. Pulse to blend. With processor running, pour in the olive oil and most of the water. The dough should come together into a ball. You may have to rearrange it a little to get it evenly moist. 

Spread about a tablespoon of olive oil into your iron skillet (or you could use a pie pan). Pat your dough out into the pan. It doesn't need to be perfect, just try to get it to the edges. Then I like to poke it all over with my fingertip, like you would a foccacia. Pour over the remaining 2 tbsp olive oil. Sprinkle with basil, oregano, garlic powder, onion, salt, and pepper.

Cover with foil and bake for 20 minutes. Remove foil and bake for 20 minutes more. If it's not brown on top, you can pop it under the broiler for a minute. Just keep a close watch so you don't burn it!

If you can control yourself, allow to cool before slicing. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Cooking Basics - Onions and Garlic

Nothing compares to the aroma of frying onions and garlic. I'll just be starting dinner, and hubby will walk in saying, "that smells so good! whatcha making?"  Um, an onion?

But really, knowing how to create a good onion base for your meals is important. I've read many recipes calling for onion and garlic that advise one to put those two things in the pan at the same time. Please, for the love of Food, do not do this. Garlic only needs to be sauteed until aromatic, which takes about 30 seconds. Any longer, and it burns. Onions, on the other hand need to cook several minutes to really bring out their flavor. I always thought I didn't like onions, but I was eating undercooked onions, which are gross. An onion slowly sauteed in olive oil (or butter) until golden is a marvelous thing. It will add a wonderful richness to all of your savory recipes.

The key is not to stop when onions are softened or translucent:

...but to keep cooking until they really start to look golden, and even slightly browned around some of the edges:

Only then should you add the minced garlic. Stir it around for about 30 seconds until you smell that garlicky aroma. Then, proceed with the rest of the recipe, frying some spices or adding liquid as required.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Mung Bean Dal and Curried Summer Squash

I adore Indian food. I could easily eat it every day. When I first went vegetarian in 2005, I found that different ethnic foods were a great way for me cook vegetarian meals. If your standard fare is meat and two veg, it's hard to translate that into a vegetarian meal, especially one that is healthy and balanced. A big pot of veggies and legumes with lots of spices is a much better approach. It's how I learned to finally enjoy vegetables at far too old an age.

Much of India subsists on a vegetarian diet, so the recipes are rich in protein, fiber, iron, and other essential nutrients. Eating well equals feeling well. You don't want to be that vegetarian living off of pizza, fries, and mac and cheese. Well, we might want to be that person, but we probably won't enjoy the health consequences.

Anyhow, tomorrow is grocery day and so the cupboard was looking a little bare this evening. I conjured up this truly delicious dinner with some mung beans that had been in the pantry way too long (sadly, as they made an excellent dal, even better than lentils!), and the last few yellow squash from our garden. Once you get the hang of some basic curry recipes, you can easily adapt them to whatever produce and pantry staples you have on hand.

Mung Bean Dal

1 pound dried mung beans, rinsed and picked over
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tsp each: turmeric, chili powder, cumin, ginger
dash each: cardamom, crushed red pepper, cinnamon
salt to taste
1/4 cup tomato puree
1/2 cup water
4-5 roma tomatoes, diced

Cook your mung beans. I soaked mine for about an hour first, and they took about an hour to cook. (They may take a little longer if you don't soak at all, or less time if you soak several hours.) Drain off any excess liquid that remains after cooking. (I had very little, so didn't need to drain. It will depend on how much water you add while cooking.)

In a large skillet, saute your onion in olive oil until golden. Add garlic and stir until aromatic. Stir in your spices and fry for a few minutes. Add the tomato puree, water, and chopped tomatoes, stirring well. Salt to taste. Let the spice mixture simmer for about 5 minutes or so. Then, stir it into your mung beans.

Add a cup or two of water and cook for about 10 or 15 minutes until thickened. Add more salt if you'd like. You don't want to over-salt things, but you should add enough to bring out the flavor of the dish. This is a mild flavored dal with just a bit of heat. If you want it spicier, add more crushed red pepper, some cayenne, or fresh chilies.

Curried Summer Squash

1 Tbsp olive oil
1 small onion, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tsp curry powder
1/4 cup tomato puree (or 1 Tbsp tomato paste would work too)
1/2 cup water
2-3 yellow squash, cut into 1" chunks
1 tsp sugar
salt to taste

Over medium-low heat, saute onion in olive oil until it starts to soften. Add red pepper and saute together until the onion starts to turn golden. Toss in the garlic and stir until you smell the garlic aroma. Add your curry powder and stir well, frying the spice for a minute or two, then add your tomato puree, salt, sugar, and water. Add the squash, stir well to coat, adding a little more water if needed. Cover and cook over low heat for about 15 minutes until the squash is very tender, stirring occasionally. This is one of my new favorite curry dishes! So good!

I served the beans over brown rice (not traditional, but extra nutritious!) with the squash on the side.